forgiven w/grace.
Looking my soul in the eye, vulnerable, exposed and naked.
From my knees pleaded to the most high.
Help me release who I have pretended to be for these many many years of this human incarnation.
I forgave myself.
I forgave my body.
I forgave my judgements of myself and of my beautiful vessel.
I gave my body, mind and soul gratitude for the struggle
And then….I released it.
Surrendering to who I really am.
I forgave the resistance.
I forgave the critical judgements and harsh tone incessant insults with every pass of every mirror, forgiven.
Every perceived consensus reality failure, forgiven.
I bless my body and I give it so much gratitude for the strength, agility, flexibility and endurance it has had to muster all these years bombarded by not only my vibrational battles but those I unknowingly absorbed from others for decades.
I bless my creative soul and all of my many gifts, you are so precious.
I forgive myself for not using my gifts, for not living my gifts out loud in every expression, forgiven.
I feel fear, rage and it is all ok. Thank you for the emotional guidance helping me find where I want to be.
I realize that in the divine orchestra playing this song just for me to dance to in a living breathing union with spirit.
Fear of letting go of everything I have known and to allow life to dismantle me, acknowledged and forgiven.
Allowing all my many masks melt effortlessly
Washed away with the knowing and certainty of all that awaits the other side of fear — is love.
Folding into pure God light, love.
I open my arms to grace, yes pure grace……Peace and all the pockets of God.
Opening of myself to all that is in a most profound way.
I thank myself and appreciate the bravery of letting go — it is the only way through to the next level.
I hear, I know I am loved and safe in the most infinite way.
The love I feel is limitless.
I am told they have been patiently waiting, for me (for us all) and will wait for all eternity and countless lifetimes, if needed.
I am assured that eternity is not needed….As we are here at the threshold, writing these words for me but ALSO for you Dear One-in the hopes they ignite YOU and fill you with God light to live as you intended to!
Allow clarity to filter into all the broken places.
Let those broken places be filled with God light, feel the warmth, feel the peace expand within.
Wake in a different timeline the next dimension.
Live the life you intended to live.
Love, love and more love.