getting ready.

I kept having flash backs of my Mom preparing our popup camper for an upcoming camping trip. I asked my Guides, why what is this memory? They said she is getting ready for a camping trip, preparing for a journey. You are getting ready. I wouldn’t really put all the pieces together at that moment but it was made clear to me, I was in preparation. Just like for any step we take there are things that need to be done in order to be ready…..I found my self cleaning and decluttering the house and the office. Cleaning up things that had been hanging around were no longer acceptable to me. I was on a mission. Giving away clothes that were nice but didn’t spark that elusive joy. I began noticing things possessions and the period in my life they were attached to, the desire to donate them was strong and inclination to start fresh with clear energy. I began shielding myself upon waking, envisioning myself in a ray of pure white radiant light….safe, protected and filled with light and made of love. Joy became my primary mission. Finding the joy in moments. Finding the silver lining in every situation, finding more laughter and great clarity.

I am my only issue. And you are your only issue, if you blame any one else for your problems – please hear this….you are the problem. Any resistance is mine, I own it. No one can ever harm me, no one at all can impact my path – I am divinely protected as is my mission. Those who intend harm only hurt themselves and delay their unfoldment. Darlings focus on you and only you. Jealously and envy only hurt you and keep you tethered to an unexceptional life of resentment, anger and frustrations. Let go dear one, or not – it is your life to live or not. Freedom and greatness are never found in a dark room.

I am rightfully and swiftly letting go of my resistance. I am safe. I am whole. I am protected. I am a teacher. As are you dear one! A mirror that must reflect to a larger audience. Must share for anyone interested in hearing. I give up any responsibility to heal anyone, this is not the mission the mission is pure and unfettered. Free. Freedom. Golden. Grace. Glory. To simply to stand in my truth for others to see and hear, to light up a path to provide a clear way to remembering for those who feel the resonance. In writing these words I feel alive and the bubbles in my blood…..infused with spirit, the holy one. So grateful, oh so grateful. I appreciate that when I asked the Holy Spirit to move stress out of my body, it is so done. I appreciate that the Holy Spirit is with me at all times, Divine intelligence is always with me and my thoughts, my words are the invitation to heaven on Earth. It is I who create every moment. These words pour forth from the cup in the most effortless way. A beauty in motion. We hold this space for others and in healing ourselves the large space is created for others to heal.

Right at this moment, a man wearing a backpack with a moon dome – containing a cat is standing before me. A smile so bright, grows across my face, as I witness this rare yet fabulous sight! It is simple joys that are the donut….Not the hole. Life is happening all around us by our design. Focus on that which brings the joy…..find the cat in the moon dome back pack, celebrate the uniqueness in living and expressing you, who you intended to be. Fill everything with love, the whole thing, every morsel of mind, body and soul….fill it with love. Every inch, molecule, bit, fraction, breath….fill it with love and celebrate the mystery of this human life, the great illusion….the greatest illusion – the one you are in right now, these words were they created by me or were they created by you in this very moment? If you are reading these words, these are exactly the words God, Goddess, Gaia, Universe, intended you to read and understand for your growth and evolution as a soul on this planet. It is perfect and you dear one are perfect in every way. You are the perfect size, weight, height, geography….release the idea that there is anything at all that isn’t absolutely perfection. You are perfection. Radiant perfection in a perfect moment. Any thought that contradicts, is resistance. Show gratitude and then release resistance to the universe, for transmutation, to become neutral nourishment for the earth. Blessings to you, may eternal light show your path in the most amazing journey.

Find the cat in the moon dome back pack in your day, smile and find joy



waking up.


anticipation of now.