this time of year.

One of my all-time seasonal movie favorites is 'Love Actually,' starring Hugh Grant. The opening scene is a voice over monologue set to very touching music and images of people embracing at the arrivals gate of Heathrow Airport.....the message being that if we look for it, 'Love Actually,' is all around. He uses an example of the terrorist attack on 9/11; saying that none of the calls placed that day were messages of hate, they were all messages of love.

During this opening scene of the movie, year after year, tears of recognition....recognition of truth, streaming down my face. Why did I get so emotional during this opening scene? It was the love.

I would grow to learn that feeling emotion was the way my unseen friends would teach me how to powerfully and unapologetically channel their messages of unconditional love. The emotion would be my cue of alignment with my soul and with the truth of love.

When watching this year, it became clear to me....This type of message, a most joy filled reunion with a loved one in an airport, has the ability to diminish divides and separation, by illustrating the emotion of a shared experience. Emotion is a universal language, we are born speaking. We all can identify and relate to feelings of joy and love, blended up together with anticipation and excitement. It transcends words. Being; separated and reunited, away and finding your way home, lost and found, distance and closeness.

More and more on my journey I found mainstream messages of love, spirituality and synchronicity. The more I acknowledged these messages, as such, the more easily I recognized them. The speed and frequency increased rapidly. I found them everywhere; commercials, songs, reality tv, block-buster movies and the list goes on! The universe (and all that is) is winking at us all, it is an undeniable and beautiful gift.

Things can get pretty intense on any topic from sports to politics. What would happen if more people began focusing less on the polarizing views and more on those views that create shared experiences of joy, compassion and love? 🙏🏼

Message from UNIA: 'Today we choose to unwrap the gift of surrender. Let it explode forth from its wrapping. As the dancer surrenders to the music, so does the poet surrender to the words, so does the brush surrender to the canvas. In surrender you are able to touch others, you are able to create, you are able to allow.'


anticipation of now.


unia, a friend of mine…vibing @ divine consciousness.